Posts in Mindfulness
Time Out Tuesday: Meditative Embroidery/ French Knots

I do not embroider very much these days, though it is something that I enjoy a bit. I am not super proficient at it, so it makes it harder for me to fully dive into a project knowing that it is going to take me quite a bit of time to complete. That being said, I try to keep them pretty small and also try to use the french knot stitch to help me in the moment/ more mindful. I also like french knots because they add such amazing texture to the pieces make them POP from the hoop. I also like the repetition of the french knot, it allows for the process to be much more meditative

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Trying Out Macrame

When it comes to learning a new skill of any kind, I like to “Tim Gunn” the experience and Make It Work. Seriously, even if I am making a pizza or something and it isn’t working out, I tell myself to make it work, to make the best of it and figure it out. I feel that mindset often comes into my art work because there are of course messes that I constantly make. I really try not to let them upset me or let them discourage me from engaging in a process that could end up being super fun and awesome!

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More Than Weaving: Latch Hooking

There is more out there in the weaving world, that is very similar to weaving but is not exactly weaving. Most of the time, they are marketed as kids crafts but when you get the hang of it, you can make things way cooler than what is marketed. I mean let’s think of it, most of us learned to weave as kids, but just on a pot holder loom! The craft that I am thinking of here is latch hooking. You remember those latch hook kits in your local craft store of a smiley face, I know you do. I bet they still sell it, so if you don’t remember- go check it out.

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